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In Memoriam

We honor the memory of the deceased Members of our order, listed below.  We are forever indebted to them for their generosity, and invite your prayers for the happy repose of their souls.

John Abdoo

Martie Aboussie, Jr.

Mr. Anthony R. Abraham

Mrs. Genevieve Abraham

Mr. Joseph Abraham

Mrs. Nora B. Akiki

Mr. Albert Albert

Mr. Melin G. Alexander

Risk Alwan

Edward J. Ameen

Selma Ameen

Joseph Anton

Peggy Antoun

Ameil Ash

Nicholas Ash

Joan Asmar

Ray Asmar

Faheem Assad

Joseph Attea

Mr. Joseph H. Attea

Mr. David Baclini

Mrs. Adele A. Barakat

Mr. Albert Barakat

Mr. Joseph Baraket

Mr. Farris Barket

David Barrood

Phillip Barrood

Joseph Bashara, Sr.

Saada H. Basil

Houda Basile

Elias Bedway

Anne Bedwick

Mr. Paul Bedwick

Raymond Bedwick

Sadie Beshara

Mrs. Hasna A. Besheer

Sahid Simon Besheer

Joseph Bittar

Mr. Albert S. Bithoney

Barbara Susan Bohorfoush

Helen Bolus

George A. Bostany

Robert Breathe

Loretta Bub

Paul Butrus

Roderick (Pat) Bynum

Ernest T. Chadie

Adeline Clarchick

Mrs. Rose M. Crigger

Joseph P. Coorey

Alice Jo Coury

Ernest A. Coury

Thomas Coury

Joseph E. Coury

Daniel J. Daou

Gerges Daoud

Reverend Joseph David

Mr. Frank B. Day

Dr. Robert DiSibio

Carolyn Dorroll

Maj. Ret. Raymond J. Dupere

Ab Elhilow

Mr. Peter Elias

Mr. Richard F. Ellis

Shirley Ellis

Joseph Ernest

Bill Farhat, Jr.

Mr. William Farhet Sr.

Mary V. Farhet

Nabie Farreh

May M. Ferris

Mr. Monsour J. Ferris

Chorbishop Norman Ferris

Mr. Ronald J. Ferris

CWO Joseph F. Flaherty

Robert Foster

Mabel Gabello

Michael Gabriel

Millicent Gabriel

Mr. David M. George, Sr.




Miss Janice George

Karen George

Mr. Lawrence P. George

Loretta George

Mr. Raymond George

Mr. Raymond George, Jr.

Tofie George

Mary George

Joyce Gervers

Mrs. Mary Gibrall

Mr. Joseph J. Gustin

Halim A. Habib

Peter Habib

Gloria Haddad

Marion Haddad

Mr. Thomas Hage

Frederick Hallack

Colleen Haik

Mr. Henry Hamid

Jee Han Park

Madeline Hargreaves

Mr. Warren Hargreaves

Dr. Robert Hartle

Mr. Anthony M. Hiffa

Rhoda Howat

Agnes Howard

Donald Howard

Mr. Thomas F. Isaf

Albert Jamail

Mr. Allen L. Jarabek

Mr. Joseph P. Jarjura

Ernest Joseph

Omra Joseph

Miss Sadie D. Joseph

Mr. Samuel Joseph

Mrs. Selma Joseph

Mr. Thomas Joseph

Mr. Joseph C. Joseph

Joe T. Joseph

Mitchell Joseph

Mr. Albert Jowdy

Mrs. Lorraine Jowdy

Taffy Jowdy

Eimoly Kaddo

Ziad Kabban

Mr. John Joseph Kalife

Emil Kalil

Mrs. Isabelle Kalil

Joseph K. Karaki

Ralph Karam

Julia Karam

Josephine Karam

Solomon Karam

Robert Karam

Pauline Kassouf

L. Paul Kassouf

Mr. Leonard Kannan

Jeanette Kahaly

George Kelley

Gerald Kimes, Jr.

Mrs. Catherine Koorie

Mr. Ferris Koorie

Fred Paul Kouri

Mrs. Ann Koury

Sadie Koury

Peter Koway

Thomas J. Kurey, Jr.

Robert Lakkis

Phillip Lamonica

Adele Nader Lindsay

Mr. Norman Lindsey

Mary Macy

Beshara Mabarek

Betty Jean Mansour

Edward Mansur

James Maron

Youssef Maroun

Mr. Arthur Matney

Dr. Joseph Massoud

Josephine Melfi

Michael S. Michael

Edna F. Migala

Mr. John Minitoli


Ralph Mitchell

Thomas J. Mitchell, Sr.

Joseph Mosey

Moneer J. Moshey

Adele S. Mazloom

Mr. Richard A. Nader

Charles A. Nader

Msgr. John Naffah

Mr. Robert Nagle

John Nassif, Jr.

Norman G. Nemer, Sr.

Monte Nesser

Mr. Joseph C. Nesser

Pauline Norwood

James Norwood, Sr.

Mr. James Joseph Norwood

Harvey Owen

Mr. Louis S. Owen, Jr.

Mr. James J. Palutis

Michael Paradise

Juliette M. Paradise

Bynum Pat

Ralph Peters

Mr. Philip Peters

Mr. Sulaiman Rai

Raymond Rask, Sr.

Genevieve Resha

Phillip T. Resha

Mrs. Sadie Saba

Mr. Richard G. Saffire

Joseph Salami

Muriel Salami

Mary Salerno

Peggy Samon

Margaret Sarofeen

Julie Sawyer

Mary Schmidt

Mr. Toufic Sfeir

George F. Shababy
Aileen Shaheen
Joseph Shaheen
Mrs. Vincetta Shaheen

Alexander J. Shaia

Mrs. Margaret Shaia

Lucille B. Shaia

Bernice Ann Simon

James J. Simon, Sr.

Luella Simon

Ronald Simon

Anna Mae Slay

Eugene P. Slay

Francis Slay

Frank Soaib

Anthony Solomon

Mr. John Anthony Solomon

Solomon Solomon

Mrs. Anne J. Soma

Dr. Edward D. Soma

Leila Stadelman

Vergil Sutter

James Tamer

Sadie B. Tanoury

Mr. Michael J. Tarshi

Yolanda Teran

Mr. Alexander F. Thomas

Mr. Danny Thomas

Mr. Fred M. Thomas

George Thomas

Mr. John J. Thomas

Mrs. Josephine Thomas

Mrs. Sarah B. Thomas

Mrs. Anna Webbe

Sarkis Webbe

Sr. Sorkis Webbe

Anna Webbe

Chorbishop George Webby

Mr. Clyde L. Williams

Ernie Williams

Woodrow W. Woody

Jack Yacu

Mahmoud Zogby

Jee Han Park

Archbishop Francis M. Zayek

We apologize if any deceased Member was inadvertently omitted from this list, and ask that you please email us with their name and Membership years so that they can be added.  Thank you.  

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